How to find all Mysterious Shards in Assassin's Creed Mirage

13 oct 2023 at 12:03

In addition to the primary resources used for leveling up, the game also has particularly valuable Mysterious Shards. With their help, in the secret tomb, one can unlock rare legendary equipment items. These shards are carried by members of the Order of the Ancient Tha`abeen, who are scattered throughout Baghdad. They can be identified by their black robes and are guarded by sentries (though some wander without them).

In this guide, you will learn exactly what the shards are for and where to find them.

How to use the Mysterious Shards

Searching for Mysterious Shards is part of the quest "The Calling", which is given by Nehal. For completing the mission, you can receive the following reward:

  • Samsaama Dagger. It gives 27 to attack strength, and also replenishes 10% of health for a sequence of five hits. The dagger costs 2 shards;
  • Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar Sword. Costs 3 shards. It provides an increase of 46 in attack and amplifies it by 50% at the expense of Basim's health;
  • Milad`s Outfit. When performing a stealth kill from above, enemies within a 15-meter radius will be blinded. Costs 5 shards.

All items are located in the tomb (Hidden Chamber) under the Northern Oasis, outside the city limits.

How to identify the shard keepers

The Tha`abeen constantly move around the city within a path set by the developers. They can easily be mistaken for civilians, but they glow red as enemies. Their accompanying guards wear blue armor. When using the eagle vision, the keepers and their route will glow with a golden light.

How to Find the Mysterious Shards

Two shards are located in the Harbiyah district, two can be found in Abbasiyah, two in Karkh, two in the Round City, and two in the outskirts of Baghdad.


  • The first shard is with a female keeper, who moves from the Great Mosque and then across the bridge towards the Soap Boiler's District. She is guarded by one swordsman;
  • The second shard can be found on the main road leading from the bridge near the Dyeing Factory towards the Upper Harbor and the guardhouse at the Khurasan Gate. The keeper is guarded by three guards.


  • The first shard can be found with Taabin, who moves from the Rafia Gate east past the Scholar's Estate to the bridge in Tabik. After the bridge, the target heads to the Tax Collector's Mansion. Guarded by 1 guard;
  • The second shard is with a target moving past the Scriptorium towards the Observatory and the House of Wisdom. An easy target, unguarded.


  • The first shard's target moves on the road from the Bazaar to the Pomegranate Gate in Tabik. Moves without guards;
  • The second shard's target moves along the main road in the Cookmen's Quarters towards the Basra Gate. Guarded by one guard.

Round City

  • The first target with a shard is in the Residential District. She moves from the Basra Gate along the road bordering the city wall, past the Viewpoint towards the Kufa Gate and the Harem. Accompanied by two guards;
  • The second target moves past the Viewpoint in the Residential District to the Mazalim Courts and the Damascus Gate. Accompanied by 1 guard.

Outskirts of Baghdad

  • One shard is with a keeper in the south of the outskirts in the Jarjaraya settlement. He moves around the settlement border accompanied by two guards;
  • The second shard is in the northwest part in Anbar. Taabin moves along the road from the Western Gate across the bridge to the Viewpoint and the exit from the Southern Gate. Accompanied by 2 guards.
Author: Hades

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