Bad reputation (Notoriety Level) in Assassin's Creed Mirage and how to get rid of it

9 oct 2023 at 10:45

In the latest installment of Assassin's Creed, the developers decided to add a Notoriety Level system, reminiscent of mechanics from the Grand Theft Auto game. In this guide, we will look at the levels of notoriety and how to reduce or completely get rid of them.

Notoriety Levels

There are three notoriety levels in the game. The indicator is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.

First level. If Basim commits a pickpocket or attacks someone, civilians who witness it might report to a guard. It turns out that any inhabitant of Baghdad poses a threat as they might call armed guards.

Second level. As the notoriety level rises, archers start appearing on the rooftops. They pose a direct threat, hindering movement around the city. Using vantage points becomes more challenging, requiring the player to eliminate the guards.

Third level. The most dangerous. Elite, skilled guards start appearing in the city. They are better with weapons and pose a significant threat.

How to Get Rid of Notoriety

If Basim commits a pickpocket, the notoriety gauge slightly increases, and it will be enough just to hide in a secluded place for it to decrease. For higher pursuit levels, use the following:

  • Tear off posters. Starting from the moment the first search scale is fully filled, wanted posters for Basim appear around the city. The radar shows the nearest ones. Tear them off, and the scale will start to decrease.
  • Bribe Munadi. Throughout the city, you can find heralds who, for a fee, will completely reduce your notoriety level. Give them a Power Favor Token, which can be obtained after completing side missions. This method of reducing pursuit has a cost, unlike the previous one. But you won't have to run around the district and tear off posters.

Keep in mind that if you commit crimes again, the notoriety level will increase again.

Author: Hades

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