New Genshin Impact 1.6 Leaks - Who is Yoimiya?

15 may 2021 at 12:29

Data miners always find the most up-to-date information about Genshin Impact updates, but the accuracy of leaked news and revelations remains unclear.

Among the leaked characters were Yoimiya and Kazuha, but there is currently a huge amount of leaked information about the latter character, which cannot be said about Yoimiya. In this guide, we will try to rectify this situation and explain who exactly Yoimiya is in Genshin Impact. Let's get started!

Who is Yoimiya: All known information

Yoimiya is clearly strongly connected to the Electro Archon during the Genshin 1.5 preview. We are not sure if she will be a playable character or just an NPC, but she protects and resides above Inazuma, which has been rumored since version 1.1. 

All we know about Mimi and Tohma

Due to the connections between them, it can be confidently suspected that Yoimiya is a girl from the Inazuma region and is likely the Sacred Deer of the Electro Archon.

What weapon and element does Yoimiya use 

According to the leaker, Yoimiya wields a 5-star Pyro Bow

Remember that this information may not be accurate.

If you need a weapon with auto-targeting weak points of enemies and you like the Pyro element, then Yoimiya is perfect for you!

Current leaked skills of Yoimiya:

  • "AimShoot_BombArrow"
  • "AimShoot_WithFire"
  • "FireRing"
  • "Arrow_Bomb"
  • "YHanabi"

All these skills are related to her appearance as the main creator of Inazuma's fireworks. Ayaka Kamisato describes Yoimiya as a person capable of creating incredible fireworks, but with a tendency to overdo it. 

Players can definitely expect a powerful and explosive character when Yoimiya becomes available in Genshin Impact.

When will Yoimiya's banner be released

Despite Yoimiya being expected to be released alongside Kazuha, her character model has not been found yet, and no other data has been disclosed. That's why it can be confidently assumed that her appearance will be postponed to version 1.7 and beyond.

More leaks of Genshin Impact version 1.6

Author: Niysha

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