What weapon should Klee equip in Genshin Impact: Best Catalysts.

7 jun 2021 at 12:05

Genshin Impact offers a wide range of weapons to suit any taste, and the right choice of equipment can significantly enhance the power of your character.

In this guide, we will show you the top 5 best weapon options for Keqing that will greatly unleash her potential. Let's get started!

Genshin Impact: Best Weapons for Keqing

#5 - The Widsith

A decent 4-star catalyst that provides a small passive bonus: after using an elemental reaction, the catalyst doubles the attack DMG bonus by 8% for 10 seconds. 

This weapon is best suited for Keqing when she is on a team with characters like Xingqiu and Fischl, as they can provide her with constant elemental reactions to maintain the DMG bonus. It's not the best choice, but if you don't have the catalysts described below, this one will do.

#4 - Solar Pearl

The Solar Pearl is a very powerful weapon and ranks 4th only because of its price (requires Battle Pass). If you can afford it, you won't regret your purchase.

The catalyst has a 6% chance to land a critical hit, among other useful passive effects. 

#3 - The Stringless

The Stringless is an incredibly powerful catalyst in Genshin Impact, with immense critical DMG potential and insane passives. 

The problem with this weapon lies in the randomness of its attacks (more details in the above screenshot), and the buffs have a very long cooldown. Nevertheless, The Stringless brings tremendous benefits to the team, especially if the corresponding bonus occurs at the right moment.

#2 - Dodoco Tales

This weapon will be introduced in the 1.6 update and is a great fit for Keqing. With maximum enhancements, you can gain a 32% increase in charged attack damage, which is quite decent.

For the resources required for ascension, read here.

#1 - Skyward Harp

This weapon takes first place by a large margin! The Skyward Harp surpasses any other catalyst in the game because of the Elemental DMG bonus it provides, combined with its insane crit rate, making it the perfect weapon for almost any catalyst user. 

Keqing benefits from the Skyward Harp in all aspects, and any player lucky enough to obtain it should definitely try it on this character.

Author: Niysha

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