The Best Build for Tartaglia in Genshin Impact

16 dec 2020 at 20:45

Genshin Impact - is one of the most "playable" RPGs of 2020. This title is well-deserved, as the game is very interesting and atmospheric. In this guide, we will explain how to easily and quickly build Tartaglia (Childe) in Genshin Impact.

Tartaglia's Talents

Before starting the game, it is important to familiarize yourself with the character's attributes. Tartaglia's main role in Genshin Impact is that of an attacker, serving as the main DPS.

Tartaglia is a very strong character. He is capable of not only completing story missions but also attacking enemy forces effectively.

This character is a precise archer who deals tremendous damage to enemies in long-range combat and applies the Hydro status to them.

Let's now examine Tartaglia's current abilities:


There are 3 levels of attack: normal, charged, and plunging attacks. Here are some details about them: 

1. Capable of firing up to 6 arrows.
2. Double-powered shot. The Hydro arrow can apply a special status to the enemy, unique to Tartaglia - Riptide. Riptide triggers AoE damage upon contact with an enemy character.
3. When plunging, Tartaglia deals Hydro AoE damage.


This skill allows Tartaglia to engage in melee combat by summoning blades from water. His arrows are replaced with six melee strikes, and his precise shot becomes a cross-shaped strike. Applying Riptide to an enemy automatically triggers AoE damage (once every 1.5 seconds). The entire duration of the attack is 30 seconds.


This ability depends on Tartaglia's position within the party: if he is close to enemies, he performs a circular attack with damage within a specific radius and applies a special status. If Tartaglia is positioned behind, he shoots an arrow from the water, dealing AoE damage to the enemy, replenishing energy, and applying the Riptide status.

Triggering Riptide enables you to create Hydro Explosions.


  1. Never-Ending Performance: Increases the duration of the Riptide status by 8 seconds.
  2. Master of Weaponry: Tartaglia uses his Elemental Skill and applies Riptide with incredible power.
  3. Masterful Shots (default): Increases damage by 1.

Tartaglia's Build

Tartaglia is a character in Genshin Impact who excels in both close-quarters and long-range combat. Let's consider the best weapons for Tartaglia:

1. Skyward Harp - Increases Tartaglia's attack power and triggers AoE attacks.
2. Rust - Increases the chances of triggering a cyclone. Excellent for a support role. 
3. The Stringless - Increases normal attack damage by 40% and decreases charged attack damage by 10%.

The top-tier set for this character is the Wanderer's Troupe. Wearing 2 pieces of this set increases Elemental Mastery by 80%. If you wear 4 pieces, charged attack damage increases by 35%. You can also consider the following set: Noblesse Oblige + Gladiator's Finale . 

Ascension Requirements

The materials required for Ascension are as follows:


Tartaglia in Genshin Impact is a superb attacker and it's no wonder he is given a five-star rating. Enhance the strengths of this hero by using appropriate weapons, artifact sets, and abilities. In the end, his true potential will reveal itself before you!

Author: Niysha

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