Obtaining skills and rank leveling up in Assassin's Creed Mirage

15 oct 2023 at 11:10

Successful completion of quests in the game is rewarded with skill points, which help you deal with crowds of enemies more efficiently and quickly. But skill points can be earned not just through the main storyline, they are given for various activities.

In this guide, you'll learn how to earn skill points and how to level up Basim.

How ranks affect gameplay and the rank system in AC: Mirage

The ranking system (Hidden One Ranks) in Assassin`s Creed Mirage is designed to safely enter various territories. Enemies in each area have their levels. The higher they are, the more dangerous they become, with more health and damage. With a lower rank, they are harder to kill. By increasing your rank, you level up your character, acquire new skills, and thereby better combat the guards. There are six rank levels:

  1. Initiate Rank - obtained after completing the "Taking Flight" quest;
  2. Apprentice Rank - given after killing Al Ghul nicknamed "The slaver";
  3. Novice Rank - for successfully completing the "Mastermind in the Shadows" investigation mission;
  4. Disciple Rank - for the investigation mission "The Warlord";
  5. Assassin Rank - for completing various side quests;
  6. Master Rank - for completing side quests.

How to increase rank

No additional actions are needed. Just follow the storyline and complete side missions. Your rank will increase on its own. Becoming a master assassin is easy, the main thing is to focus on completing quests.

Skill Points in AC: Mirage

Skills, unlike rank, have a noticeable impact on gameplay. In Assassin`s Creed Mirage there are three skill trees you can level up and unlock new skills:

  • Phantom;
  • Trickster;
  • Predator.

The lower the skill in the tree, the more points are required to level it up.

How to earn skill points

The simplest way is by completing the game's main quests. It's straightforward - complete a level, receive a skill point, and unlock the skill you need. However, by only following the main storyline, you won't unlock all the skills.

Which brings us to the second way to earn skill points. Early in the game, Basim will arrive at the Assassins Bureau. This is where you can obtain assassination or theft contracts. On the Contracts Board, choose the tasks that reward skill points. Contracts sometimes repeat, so it's worth checking them all.

Skill points are also given for finding collectibles. Scattered throughout Baghdad are 7 Lost Books. Each discovered book rewards one skill point.

How to level up skills faster

The rules are simple. Most of the skills can be obtained by progressing through the storyline. Along the way, you'll explore and discover new locations, thereby finding the lost books. Don't forget to take all the contracts that reward skill points. Earning skill points is straightforward; there's no need to do anything incredibly complex.

Author: Hades

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