Fishing Guide in New World

14 oct 2021 at 11:30

New World is an MMORPG that many gamers have been eagerly anticipating. The game world offers a variety of activities, and each player can choose what they want to do. In this article, we will focus on the important activity of fishing.

To begin with, fishing in the game can be done in bodies of water. There are two types of bodies of water:

  • Freshwater bodies;
  • Saltwater bodies.

The most important thing you'll need for fishing is, of course, a fishing rod. In the game, you can find the following types of fishing rods:

  • Wooden fishing rod: available from the start of the game (or at skill level 0);
  • Lacquered wooden fishing rod: requires level 20;
  • Fatewood fishing rod: requires level 35;
  • Ironwood fishing rod: requires level 50.

Each fishing rod has a casting distance, which directly affects the rarity of the fish you can catch.

The fishing rods themselves have certain bonuses that allow you to get the most out of your fishing. The bonuses affect the following aspects:

  • Fishing line durability;
  • Fish rarity;
  • Casting distance;
  • Caught fish size.

Do not underestimate the role of bonuses, as they can help you achieve a very impressive catch.

To equip your character with a fishing rod, you can either buy one or craft it yourself using the Engineering Tradeskill.

The characteristics of the fishing rod are undoubtedly important, but the bait you plan to use is equally important. There are special baits for freshwater and saltwater fishing. By using them correctly, you can get bonuses to your fishing.

You can create bait yourself, buy it, or obtain it from defeated enemies. If you decide to make bait yourself, you will need the Cooking skill for your character.

To finally start the process, you need to bring your character to a body of water. Then press F3. A special indicator will appear on the screen, displaying the casting distance. Press the left mouse button to make the cast. Make sure to aim well to cast the fishing rod as accurately as possible.

Now all you have to do is wait while watching the float. When the fish takes the bait, a green checkmark will appear. This means it's time to hook the fish by clicking the left mouse button.

Immediately after that, a line tension indicator will appear. To adjust the tension, you need to either release or tighten the line by releasing or holding down the left mouse button. To achieve the desired result, pay attention to the color of the indicator. If it's green, everything is good, but if it turns orange, you should decrease the tension.

Don't rush, as the fish may slip off the hook and swim away.

Don't think that fishing in the game is a very simple activity. Often, you will need to make a considerable effort to get a good catch. But the process is very interesting and engaging.

By the way, the more your character fishes and the more successful you are, the higher your mastery level will become. You will also gradually unlock new previously unknown fishing spots. And there, you might encounter some very rare fish.

Author: admin

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