Mountain Patrol in Genshin Impact: How to Complete the Blessing Dungeon and Who to Take in the Squad.

9 may 2021 at 14:52

In this guide, we will tell you how and where to find the Mountain Watch and complete the Blessing Dungeon in Genshin Impact.

Where to Find the Blessing Dungeon

You can find it northeast of the Dragonspine, between Sal Terrae and Entombed City. 

To enter this dungeon, you need to reach Adventure Rank 30 first. In fact, this dungeon is located in the vicinity of the Bishui Plain, not far from the Dragonspine.

Best Party Composition for the Mountain Watch

In this new addition, there is a challenge called "Unmoving". You can start this challenge with parties consisting of level 59, 69, 80, and 90, while the Adventure Rank should be at rank 30, 35, 40, and 45 respectively. If you want to play at level 1 or 3 difficulty, you will need heroes of Hydro, Cryo, and Geo elements. 

If the difficulty level is 4, having one Geo character will be sufficient. Once you enter the dungeon, you will encounter slimes, hilichurls, mitachurls, and if you are playing at the highest level, you will also face Geovishaps. 

Based on our knowledge of the dungeon, we recommend gathering these heroes: 

Geo elemental heroes will help you defend against enemy attacks by blocking significant damage. Hydro and Cryo elemental heroes are necessary for maximum control over enemies (they help block Pyro slime attacks and deal well with Electro and Cryo effects). 

The main DPS hero can be chosen from the following three leaders: 

The second part of the update introduced a hero named Eula, who is an excellent alternative to Diluc. She is a completely new hero with a two-handed sword and deals great damage to enemies, while also possessing Cryo abilities. 

Completing the Mountain Watch

In this challenge, your task is to defeat all enemies as quickly as possible. These conditions are not difficult to meet, and remember that your shield will release shockwaves. Also, keep in mind the AoE damage with the same element that the shield possesses. 

It is not advisable to enter the dungeon without this shield, as the described effect works in reverse as well.

Rewards for Completing the Mission

In addition to receiving mora and experience, you have the chance to obtain very rare artifacts. Among all the possible rewards, there are two new ones waiting for you. 

Author: Niysha

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