Event "Disk of Amplification: Introduction" Genshin Impact: How to Pass, Start Date and More

28 apr 2021 at 11:14

Update Geneshin Impact 1.5 brought players a new exciting event that will give you plenty of rewards. 

In this guide we will tell you how to complete all the stages of the event "Disk of Enhancement: Introduction" and get the best rewards. Let's go!

Event "Disk of Enhancement: Introduction" - full walkthrough  

This event will be available on April 30, 2021 and will last until May 17. You will have to find the parts of Irminsul and get your deserved reward. The condition for participating in the event "Disk of Enhancement: Introduction" is only one - 20+ adventure level.

Where to look for fragments of the Irminsul fruit 

Either special coordinates will be given to you for this, or you will have to conduct search operations yourself.

What are "search zones"

Every day the event will give you special zones where you will have to fight enemies in exchange for fruits and Data of the broken fruit.

New dungeon

The developers have prepared a special task for you that will take place in one of the Dungeons.

Distorted limit

The Distorted Limit is a special place for the event "Disk of Enhancement: Introduction". Within its limits you will be able to collect points for yourself and receive Data of the broken fruit for it.

We remind you that the main reward of this event will be Diona herself!

We recommend that you add this page to your bookmarks and visit it on May 30 - all information about passing will be updated.

Author: Niysha

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