? What item should be given to Skeptical Hilichurl on the 6th day of "Catch Me If You Can" in Genshin Impact?

1 jun 2021 at 9:07

On the 6th day of the event "Catch me if you can" you will need to give Skeptical Hichihurlu the right item to make him happy. Fortunately, he is willing to give us a hint, even if it is in Hichihurluan language.

In this guide we will tell you what item you can give Hichihurlu on the 6th day and how to translate the phrase Upano into Genshin Impact. Let's go!

What does the word Upano mean

The phrase roughly translates as flight or movement upwards. The guide says it is difficult to translate directly, so there is no specific hint as to what item you need to give Hichihurlu for the exchange.

We offered him Butterfly Wings, which Hichihurlu was pleased with, giving us additional information Players who don't have Wings can easily find them at the Statue of the Seven in Windrise or at the Dawn Winery. In Liyue there are also plenty of moths (see picture below).

Author: Niysha

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