How to complete the "Legacy of Orban" quest in Genshin Impact: Solutions to all puzzles with the Water Dome.

13 sep 2021 at 9:52

"The Legacy of Orobas" quest in Genshin Impact 2.1 is a linear task with a bunch of primogems and puzzles. During the course of the quest, you'll have to search for missing parts of talismans to activate them and stop the eternal rain in Tatarasuna.

In this guide, we will tell you how to complete parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of "The Legacy of Orobas" and show you the solutions to all the talisman puzzles. Let's get started!

The Legacy of Orobas 1 - Puzzle Solution 

Your task is to guide an electric pulse from the first column to the last one by rotating and adjusting their heights. Below, you can see the order in which the beams should be arranged, emanating from the columns.

In the first part of "The Legacy of Orobas" quest, 2 missing parts of the talisman will be underwater - grab them and return to the corresponding object!

The Legacy of Orobas 2 - Puzzle Solution 

So, if you face the second talisman, behind you, there will be a pit containing the first element and a chest. However, to begin with, activate the Elemental Sight and go to the right. There, you will encounter another puzzle with another part of the talisman, after which the water in the aforementioned pit will recede, allowing you to retrieve the chest.

After solving it, return to the talisman and jump into the same pit (just pick up the Electrogranum nearby). Inside, there will be an Electroculus with the second talisman - take it and return to the designated point. Of course, don't forget to descend further and collect the chest.

The Legacy of Orobas 3 - Puzzle Solution 

As always, the starting column of the puzzle is the one that's lit up.

Well, after activating the Elemental Sight, you'll see two paths:

  1. The first one leads straight ahead. Go through the cave, following the elemental trail. When you reach the designated point, you'll see an electric dome containing the first element. Take the Electrogranum, defeat the Abyss Mages, grab the element, and return to the talisman.
  2. The second one leads to the left of the talisman (if you're standing behind it). Climb up the rock, and at the very top, you'll find a small indentation with another electric dome. It's straightforward, and you won't encounter any enemies there.

The Legacy of Orobas 4 - Puzzle Solution 

The last puzzle is also quite simple:

After solving it, an arena with Magu Kenki will appear, along with the elements you need. Good luck!

Author: Niysha

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