Passing Through the Fog "Octavia Mausiro": How to Convince the Fairies if the Fog is Everywhere

15 oct 2021 at 21:00

During the second part of the quest "Skoz Tuman", you will encounter a number of puzzles, the solutions of which can be seen here.

However, at one point you will need to guide 3 Fey to the platforms to activate the statues. How to remove the fog on the island of Tsurumi and not get lost?

How to guide Fey if there is fog in Genshin Impact?

Look around - around the entire coast you will find pebbles with a faint purple glow. You need to act on each such column with electro elements, after which they will light up and give you some light!

We recommend going from column to column - this way you won't get lost in the fog. Good luck!

Author: Niysha

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