Genshin Impact 2.7 Release Date: Klee Sinobu, Ascension Materials, What to Farm Before Launch

5 jun 2022 at 17:23


Cookie Sinobu - a new four-star Electro character that will be available in the second half of the 2.7 Genshin Impact version. The girl is a young assistant to Arataka Itto, who runs the Arataka gang in Inazuma. In this article we will tell you about everything you need to know about Cookie before her release.

When will Cookie Sinobu be released in Genshin Impact?

As already mentioned earlier, the release of Cookie falls on the second half of the game update. This means that the girl will be available immediately with the release of the Arataka Itto banner. Unfortunately, the full roster of four-star heroes and weapons is not yet available.

 Release of the Arataka Itto banner - June 21, 2022.

Ascension materials: what to farm and how much to save?

Ascension materials by nora_mp3

What is needed for the ascension of Cookie:

  1. Wadjet Amethysts - Electro stones from bosses;
  2. Parts from the Ruinous Serpent;
  3. Nak Mu Grass from Inazuma;
  4. Books on "Elegance";
  5. Materials from ghosts;
  6. Material from the Raiden boss.

Of course, do not forget about the Sea and books (the number can be seen in the image above). Good luck farming!

Author: Niysha

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