The Best Support Characters in Genshin Impact: Top of December 2021

6 dec 2021 at 11:58

Support in Genshin Impact is a character who doesn't focus on their own damage. They can be a defender, a healer, or a hero who enhances your DPS or weakens enemies.

In the list below, we have gathered the top five support characters in Genshin Impact who help their team in one of these unique ways. Let's go!

Top 5 Supports in Genshin Impact


Mona is a 5-star character from the standard banner in Genshin Impact and one of the best supports in the game. Her Elemental Burst is an incredible debuffer. With it, she traps enemies, making them vulnerable to attacks. When trapped enemies are attacked, they receive increased damage.

Mona also synergizes well with Cryo or Pyro characters who require prolonged water status on enemies for elemental reactions.

Raiden Shogun

Raiden Shogun is one of the best sub-DPS characters in the game, thanks to her excellent and high-damage Elemental Burst.

However, her Elemental Skill can also function as a support ability as it enhances the Elemental Burst of other team members. This buff scales based on the energy recharge of each character.


Bennett has been one of the most versatile characters in Genshin Impact since the game's release. He acts as a team buffer and an excellent healer.

Bennett's Elemental Burst creates an AoE Pyro circle that increases the ATK of other characters.


Undoubtedly, Zhongli is the most effective shielder in Genshin Impact. His Elemental Burst can create a Jade Shield every 12 seconds, lasting for 20 seconds. This allows you to maintain the shield constantly if it doesn't break.

Zhongli's Elemental Burst also has useful support properties: it summons a falling meteorite that can immobilize enemies for a few seconds. It's hard to disagree that every moment counts in this game (you can restore shields/energy during that time).


Kazuha is one of the best Anemo characters in the game. With his elemental skill, he can deal massive damage, but even without it, he performs several useful functions: reducing enemy resistance and buffing the elemental damage of your characters.

Author: Niysha

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