Top 20 best mods for Baldur's Gate 3

28 aug 2023 at 10:07

Baldur's Gate 3 is an RPG game released on PC and consoles on August 3, 2023. In the game's storyline, the main character explores the world accompanied by companions, battles enemies, and solves puzzles. Unlike the previous installments, battles have become entirely turn-based.

The game's plot does not continue the previous parts; instead, it presents a separate story. And to make the gameplay more interesting, check out our selection of the top 20 best mods for Baldur's Gate 3.

How to Install Mods for Baldur's Gate 3

Step-by-step instructions for installing mods:

  1. Download the necessary file;
  2. Extract the contents of the archive using an archiver;
  3. Move the files to the following path: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Baldur’s Gate 3;
  4. Launch the game. If you installed the mod while the game was running, restart it.

During the game's launch, a warning notification will appear – skip it.

Top 20 Best Mods for Baldur's Gate 3 in 2023

Basket Full of Equipment

This mod adds over 800 variations of armor, weapons, and clothing. Install it if you want to diversify the appearance of characters.

Basket Full of Equipment

Child Race

This mod adds a new playable race – children. It will be displayed in the race menu under the name "Dhaen".

Child Race


Another mod that adds additional clothing elements: hairstyles, colors, face types, etc.


Improved UI

This mod enhances the user interface for mod creators, making it easier to add modified files.

Improved UI

Full Release Mod Fixer

If previously installed mods are broken after the release version of the game, use this fix. The files will become functional again and won't break the game. You can also use an alternative – Baldur's Gate 3 Mod Fixer.

Mod Fixer

Tav’s Hair Salon

This mod adds beautiful and detailed hair for humans, elves, half-elves, drow, and tieflings. It will make your female characters more stunning.

Tav's Hair Salon

Feat Every Level Up

This small mod allows you to change your skill set and level up skills at any point in the game. Not compatible with other mods affecting the progression system.

Feat Every Level Up

Add All Items

This mod adds almost all items to barrels in the camp. They are located in a small room with ruins opposite the log behind the waterfall.

If you can't reach certain items in the barrels, try using a different party member or drink a strength potion from the item barrel.

Add All Items

Human Unleashed

This mod upgrades the human race and adds new features:

  • Ability to wear light and medium armor;
  • Choice of an additional skill;
  • New traits: "Feral Attacks" and "Relentless Endurance";
  • Increased luck for the character.

It's suitable for those who enjoy playing as the human race and want to diversify their gameplay. The series of mods also includes improvements for other races.

Human Unleashed

Enhanced Nude Bodies

This 18+ mod makes female bodies more realistic by enhancing their forms and adding more detail.

Enhanced Nude Bodies

Playable Skeletons

This mod adds a new race: skeletons, which are fully playable and allow you to complete the entire game's storyline.

Skeletons gain additional bonuses:

  • Darkvision skill;
  • +1 Constitution;
  • Immunity to poison;
  • Vulnerability to bludgeoning damage.

There are two options for skeletons: Sturdy and Agile. The first one gets +1 Charisma and Constitution, while the second one gets +2 Dexterity.

Playable Skeletons

Adventurer’s Guide to TamrielЕ

Another mod that adds races, but this time from The Elder Scrolls series, specifically:

  • Nords;
  • Orcs;
  • Dark Elves;
  • Wood Elves;
  • High Elves;
  • Redguards;
  • Bretons;
  • Imperials, and more.

The mod also introduces new deities, the Mage class, and the Rogue subclass "Nightblade".

Adventurer's Guide to Tamriel

Highlight All

This mod adds a new feature: "Highlight All". Now all interactive objects will be highlighted when you hold down the left Alt button.

Highlight All

Druid Unleashed

This mod makes the Druid class more intricate and diverse. There are two installation options: base and with additional files.

The mod adds:

  • An additional ability slot;
  • New abilities: "Storm's Fury," "Student of Life," "Beast Tamer," "Harvest of Nature";
  • New skills: Elemental Adept – Lightning, Warcaster.

Druid Unleashed

Skirt Mod

This mod replaces standard female character creation sets with armor. It adds 152 types of armor for all 11 playable races.

Skirt Mod

Books Notes Zero Weight and Gold Zero Weight

Tired of discarding items from your inventory just to make space for new ones? These mods fix this problem by setting the weight of gold and books to zero.

Books Notes Zero Weight

Gold Zero Weight

Ciri’s Clothes

This mod adds clothing worn by Ciri from The Witcher 3. The costume is not available in the character creation editor. You can find it near the location where you rescued and recruited Shadowheart. Using the mod Tutorial Chest Summoning, you can summon the chest at any convenient time.

Ciri's Clothes

Muscular Male Dragonborn

This mod makes the bodies of Dragonborn characters more robust and muscular, and adds over 400 types of armor specifically designed for the new body type.

Muscular Male Dragonborn

Lethal AI Enemies

This mod affects the artificial intelligence of enemies, making them smarter and categorizes them based on their intelligence level. For example, humanoids will be slightly smarter than goblins and much smarter than animals, and so on.

Now enemies will attempt to knock you off cliffs, and animals will target characters with low HP. Characters with low health will generally be targeted.

Some enemies will hide behind walls after shooting and heal each other with potions.

Lethal AI Enemies

Demon’s Simple Dies

This mod adds 54 new dyes to the game. You can create them using Cheat Engine or obtain them from a chest near Arron in Act 1, Quartermaster Tally in Act 2, and Dantellon in Act 3.

Demon's Simple Dyes

Author: victory

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