"Cyberpsychosis Outbreak: Health at a Discount" Bug in Cyberpunk 2077 (Solution)

18 dec 2020 at 6:45

The mission "Cyberpsychosis Access: Discounted Health" is given to us by Regina. We need to find and neutralize the cyberpsycho in the Santa Domingo area. However, upon arrival at the designated location, most players encounter a bug that prevents them from completing the mission. In this guide, we will explore in detail why this happens and provide a solution to this problem.

When we arrive at the site, we encounter a fairly dangerous enemy. There are several ways to defeat him: climb onto the roofs of nearby buildings and shoot the cyberpsycho with a sniper rifle while periodically evading his shots, or use a katana to engage him in close combat.

Note: If you approach him from behind, you can partially "disable" his armor.

Alternatively, you can stand behind the gates and quickly kill him with a shotgun using double jump. In this case, he won't even be able to hit you.

After we kill the cyberpsycho, we receive the objective "Search the area and collect data." And that's when panic sets in because besides the corpses, there is nothing to search on the site. There are no new markers, and you start meticulously examining every corner, but nothing happens.

The problem lies in the fact that there should be two enemies in the mission, not just one. The absence of the second NPC is due to the script for his appearance not triggering. Either he gets stuck in the trailer at the end of the site, which makes the mission impassable.


1. Download a mod that adds a console to the game:


2. Launch the game, open the console (~), and enter the following code:

player.inventory.addItem(Items.ma_std_rcr_11_shard_merc, 1)

3. Now you have an item in your inventory that was supposed to drop from the second enemy. It's a chip that needs to be read.

4. Done! Enjoy your game.

For information on where to find all cyberpsychos in Cyberpunk 2077, read here.

Author: tiny_chick

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