The best and most powerful build on Hu Tao in Genshin Impact.

23 oct 2021 at 21:34

Hu Tao is a 5-star Pyro character who wields a polearm. She is the main damage dealer and is rightfully ranked among the top 2 DPS characters in Genshin Impact. 

In this guide, we will show you the best build for Hu Tao: the role that suits her best in a team, the recommended weapon and artifacts, and whether Hu Tao can use anything other than the Staff of Homa? 

What role does Hu Tao play in a team?

Hu Tao is undoubtedly the primary damage dealer in the team, dealing maximum damage per second.  

Hu Tao Build: Main Pyro DPS

In any build, weapons, talent/level upgrades, and artifacts always play an important role. It's obvious that a 4-star weapon will usually be inferior to the character's signature weapon. This means that you should strive to obtain the Staff of Homa for Hu Tao as it will be available again soon. If you don't have it, you can compensate/balance the lack of a top-tier weapon with good substats on artifacts. 

Best weapons for Hu Tao:

  1.  Staff of Homa - a 5-star polearm that increases the character's HP by 20% and boosts damage by 0.8% of max HP. If the character's HP drops below 50%, the attack bonus is increased by 1%. There is no better weapon for Hu Tao.  
  2. Skyward Spine - Another good 5-star weapon that increases critical damage by 8% and normal attack speed by 12%. It also has a 50% chance to generate an energy blade as a special effect.   
  3. Deathmatch and Dragon's Bane - 4-star polearms that are also suitable for Hu Tao if the aforementioned weapons are not available. The former enhances attack and defense, while the latter increases damage from attacks under Hydro or Pyro effects.  
  4. White Tassel - a 3-star polearm that can be found in Liyue chests. It increases critical damage chance and HP. It will do if you don't have anything else. 

Best artifacts for Hu Tao:

  • The absolute best option is a set of four pieces of "Crimson Witch of Flames." 2 pieces increase Pyro damage by 15%, and 4 pieces amplify the most important elemental reactions for Hu Tao. 
  • You can also mix 2 pieces of Crimson Witch of Flames with 2 pieces of Gladiator's Finale, which increases attack by 18%.

The main stats to focus on for artifacts are as follows:  

  • Flower - HP.
  • Feather - Attack.
  • Sands - % Attack or % HP.
  • Goblet - Pyro damage bonus.
  • Circlet - Critical rate or critical damage.

In general, substats should include critical chance, critical damage, and HP. 

Note for Staff of Homa owners! Emphasize critical chance in artifacts since the Staff itself adds critical damage. The best ratio of critical chance to critical damage is 50/100. The higher the critical chance, the better. 
Author: Niysha

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