Process of saving in Subverse: How to save a game

29 mar 2021 at 18:56
Unfortunately, the erotic game Subverse does not have a familiar saving process.
In this guide, we will tell you how to save the game (game process) in Subverse. Let's go!

How to save the game in Subverse

The developers have deprived the game of an indicator of the saving process. So it happened that Subverse cannot be saved even manually in a specially designated place.
Do not worry, the game itself will save each stage you pass.
Unfortunately, the save feature at the moment is not available, but the developers promise to fix this bug soon. The player can only save progress in the pause menu if he participates in battle scenes.

Where are the save files in Subverse

To find these files, you need to go the following way:
  1. %LOCALAPPDATA%\Subverse\Saved\SaveGames
  2. C:\Users\(user name)\AppData\Local\Subverse\Saved\SaveGames

If you have Linux operating system, then the save files are located in the STEAM Play Proton client. To find the save files, we recommend going the following way:
  1. (Steam folder)/steamapps/compatdata/1034140/pfx/

  2. ~/.steam/steam/userdata/(user id)/1034140/

We do not recommend deleting or changing these files, as they may affect the course of the game in the future or knock down all the progress achieved. 

Author: Niysha

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