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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
7 with 32 for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Characters mods for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
- 1742
- 136
- 0
Play as a real Starkiller thanks to this mod for Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order.
- 1583
- 159
- 0
Mode allows you to play as a master Yoda (both Sith and Jedi) in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order.
- 1775
- 211
- 0
The mod for Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order changes Cala to Mandalorian - Din Djarin.
- 6499
- 1432
- 0
\~mods - Запускаем игру с параметром -mod_load_order A mod for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order changes the main character - Cal, to Darth Revan. The main mod simply changes him to Darth Revan, and in the additional files there are Darth Revan without a cape, Revan Jedi, and Revan Jedi without a cape. Choose only one option. Installation: - Unpack the .pak file at the path Jedi Fallen Order\SwGame\Content\Paks\~mods - Launch the game with the parameter -mod_load_order