How to sell items in Lethal Company

27 nov 2023 at 13:53

Throughout the game, you will be collecting scrap metal and finding various items that can be sold later. With the earned money, you can buy consumables, ship upgrades, and embark on distant Moons. In this guide, you will learn how to maximize your earnings in Lethal Company.

Principle of Selling Items and Scrap

You can sell items at a special Moon, which is the first on the list and is called "The Company Building." Use the terminal to navigate to this location (you can learn about the device's operation in this guide). When you land at the location, go to the counter. Place all items and scrap, then ring the bell a couple of times.

Tentacles will appear, taking all the items, and you will receive credits for them. Be careful, as the monster's tentacles can touch and even kill the player.

When to Sell Items

The cost of the materials and items you sell changes with each day. Earning on the first day is the least profitable, as the revenue will be only 30% of the actual value of the items. The average earnings can be obtained on the second day, where selling items will bring the team 77% of the value. The most profitable day is the third day when you receive 100% revenue for the sale.

Try to approach this matter wisely and rationally. While the third day is the most profitable, gathering more materials and items and selling them even on the first day is not a mistake. You can earn this way as well.

Prices for Items

Items found during the exploration of Moons have their prices, and depending on the day, you can get:

  • Pill Box - from 19 to 33 credits;
  • Fancy Lamp - from 60 to 122 credits;
  • Toothpaste - from 20 to 44 credits;
  • Stop Sign - from 20 to 32 credits;
  • Chemical Jug - from 30 to 65 credits;
  • Steering Wheel - from 20 to 32 credits;
  • Teeth - from 60 to 70 credits;
  • V Engine - from 22 to 50 credits;
  • Cookie Mold - from 12 to 28 credits;
  • Brass Bell - from 58 to 72 credits;
  • Wedding Ring - from 54 to 74 credits;
  • Painting - from 70 to 120 credits;
  • Air Horn - from 50 to 71 credits;
  • Big Bolt - from 21 to 29 credits;
  • Sweets - from 16 to 34 credits;
  • Tiy Cubes - from 20 to 45 credits;
  • Big Axis - from 40 to 54 credits;
  • Laser Pointer - from 40 to 84 credits;
  • Remote Control - from 30 to 34 credits;
  • Beehive - from 60 to 148 credits;
  • Golden Cup - from 46 to 79 credits;
  • Perfume Bottle - from 52 to 75 credits;
  • Coffee Mug - from 31 to 67 credits;
  • Jar of Cucumbers - from 50 to 58 credits;
  • Checkout - from 100 to 135 credits;
  • Kettle - from 30 to 54 credits;
  • Rubber Duck - from 10 to 64 credits;
  • Bottles - from 40 to 55 credits;
  • Whisk - from 16 to 27 credits;
  • Robot Toys - from 60 to 86 credits;
  • Magic 7 Ball - from 30 to 71 credits;
  • Hairbrush - from 8 to 32 credits;
  • Hairdryer - from 70 to 92 credits;
  • Golden Bar - from 113 to 162 credits;
  • Old Cell Phone - from 50 to 70 credits;
  • Device - from 49 to 70 credits;
  • Plastic Fish - from 30 to 39 credits;
  • Shredded Sheet Metal - from 10 to 22 credits;
  • Magnifying Glass - from 40 to 57 credits;
  • Clown Horn - from 52 to 61 credits.

How to Earn Faster

The amount of money you can earn depends on your personal and team playstyle. Try to collect as many materials as possible and balance between days of selling items to earn a large number of credits.

Explore Rooms

Try to explore each of the rooms you enter as thoroughly as possible. Usually, the best loot is found in remote rooms. Don't be discouraged if you find empty rooms; you will eventually discover valuable items.


Try to minimize contact with mobs on locations. They can not only rob you but also kill you, thereby depriving you of all the found items. Some Moons have a large number of dangerous monsters, so always be vigilant.

Distribution of Found Items

If you are playing in a team, try not to carry all items yourself. Distribute them wisely among your teammates. This way, you can not only collect more but also reduce the load. Excessive weight sharply reduces stamina, and you won't be able to escape from enemies. Before leaving the Moon, make sure that your inventory slots are completely filled. Only then can you take off and maximize your profits from the sortie.

Weather Conditions

Pay attention to the weather conditions on the Moon you are about to land on. You can find this information using the terminal. Do not go to locations where a storm is raging or there is a threat of flooding. This not only exposes your team to risk but also brings no rewards.

Preparation Before Departure

Before each departure through the terminal, visit the shop and buy the necessary consumables. Each item in the shop is useful in its own way. If you are playing cooperatively, each team member should take some item for better mission completion. Some items, such as flashlights, are mandatory for all crew members.

Author: Hades

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