Hitman 3: How to Complete the "How the Mighty Fall" Quest in Dubai

20 jan 2021 at 14:00

Do you want to know how to quickly and easily complete the mission "How the Mighty Fall"? Join us, this guide is for you.

You are given only a few ways to eliminate the target in Hitman 3. In the center of Dubai, you will find a quest called "How the Mighty Fall," which we will now explain in detail. Let's go!

How the Mighty Fall Quest Walkthrough

The "How the Mighty Fall" mission can be considered started when you reach the terminal, located in the Atrium area.

Interacting with the Terminal

Started the mission? Grey will demand that you clear the entire server room. The trouble is, you can only access it with a keycard. One of the terminals is located opposite the entrance you used.

How to find the keycard in Dubai

Infiltrating the Staff Area

Grey implies that there's no better way to access the terminal than through the staff room. On the map, you should see a special marker - head towards it. Unfortunately, it's on the opposite side of your current location.

Arrived at the marker? Great, enter the password in the required field on the terminal.

Grey will help you with this: PIN code 4-7-0-6.

As you enter the door, Grey will tell you that there are cameras everywhere. To continue moving forward, you need to deal with the NPCs. Activate the vacuum cleaner in the left corner, and they will be distracted for a while.

One of the employees will react to the noise, and your task is to take him down. The second one will be smoking, and you should also incapacitate him. Now, you can put on their clothes.

Choosing the Route

- After eliminating those two brutes, you can proceed calmly, but near the vending machine, you'll see two more guards. Carefully pass by them.

- Enter the room and scan the window using the camera. The guard in the room will find you very suspicious. Quickly exit back into the corridor. Go to the bathroom and then find the sink. Fill it with water until it starts flooding.

- Wait for the guards to realize and begin their investigation. This is when you need to pretend to be one of them and participate in solving the case. Go back to the room and calmly scan the window, now the guards think you're one of them.

- Open the window and climb to the edge. Move along the ledge to the right until you reach a column. Use it to climb onto the roof and look for the scaffolding.

Searching for the Server Room

The next step is the server room, but your old disguise won't work anymore. We recommend finding another one. Crouch down to avoid suspicion and head to the storage room in the upper right corner. Coincidentally, the storage room and the server room have the same uniform. Take the clothes from the storage room employees.

Activating the Override Procedure

The terminal we need is located in the center of the room. You won't be able to access it until you initiate the override procedure. Pull one of the server racks in the room, and the cancellation process will start.

It doesn't matter which lever you activate; the alarm will still go off. The guards will come and soon leave, and you can use the keycard.

To the left of the server room, there is a corridor that leads to the staff area. That's where the keycard will be.

Hurry up, or the guards will see you and realize you're not one of them.

There will be enemies in the room along the corridor that you need to defeat. Did you retrieve the keycard? Great! Use it. The far north module will be modified. Pull it, and you'll gain access to the terminal. Don't worry; this time there won't be an alarm.

Searching for Penthouse Guard Disguise

Before meeting with the partners, you should find a disguise of a penthouse guard. There are three guards on this floor, but one of them is very close to you. Find the moment to attack and do it. Drag the body into a room and then change into their clothes.

Infiltrating the Target's Location

Now that you're disguised, you can confidently head towards the room where the meeting takes place. If one of the guards recognizes you, you should turn left and enter the conference room, then you'll find the right way.

After entering the room, close the door using the security terminal. Now you can complete the mission and neutralize all enemies.

Author: Niysha

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