Detailed walkthrough of the Apex Predator mission in Hitman 3: Where to find all the agents

25 jan 2021 at 14:02

So, the Apex Predator mission in Hitman 3 is considered not the easiest, as the exact target of the assignment will be unknown. Also, there will be people in the required location who can recognize Agent 47.

In this guide, we will tell you how to complete the Apex Predator mission and where to find all 5 ICA agents. Let's get started!

How to Approach the Target in the Apex Predator Mission

Objective of the Apex Predator quest: locate and eliminate five ICA employees.

1. At the very beginning, you will find yourself on a deserted road, and you need to head towards the gas station (it's the only one there). Before you go, call Olivia, but she won't answer.

2. After bypassing the gas station area, you will see a car on the opposite side of the road, shining its headlights on a forest trail. That's where you need to go.

3. As you descend, you will come across a corpse - take his knife. When you approach the area with red light, be careful. There's a guard walking around, talking on the phone. Hide behind a rock, take out the agent, and take the communication headset.

4. Next, head to the water pump channel. Move quietly so as not to be seen. When you reach the spot marked in the picture, eliminate the girl and put the body in the trash bin.

Take the key to the red door from her and enter (or climb through the dressing room window and take out two people, then change clothes).

Regardless, be sure to visit the dressing room for disguise.

Where to Find All 5 Agents in the Apex Predator Mission

1. Go right and you will enter a club. Follow the red stripes leading to the stairs. Instead of going down the steps, turn right and pass through the crowd. Soon you will be under open sky and see a bar. There you will find the first target - Agent Swan.

Note that in this quest, there will be characters with white circles above their heads (those who can recognize you). You need to keep an eye on them from a distance, and then the white circle will change to a red mark indicating your target. If it doesn't appear, just remain unnoticed.

To eliminate him, first take cover behind the counter (see screenshot). When the color of his marker above his head changes, follow him until the man reaches the canal.

Quickly run out and push him into the water. If you are spotted, run near the canal until you find bushes. When the pursuit stops, you can come out (+ change clothes for safety).

2. Return to the bar counter and wait for another agent, Davenport, to come out of the entrance. He will be wearing a T-shirt and black glasses. After he uses a communication device, the agent will approach a table.

Then Davenport will go to the restroom. Before that moment, we need to get there ourselves and plan: go to the toilet and take out the guy standing in the far stall. Quickly enter the staff room and press against the wall.

When the agent enters, he will see the body. Meanwhile, you can come out of the service area and eliminate the second target!

3. Two more agents in security uniforms are located on the lower level - the dance floor. One of them will head to the staff room, follow him, but then turn right. In the room, you will find a uniform - change clothes.

By the way, on the Tech Only territory, you can find the fifth agent.

Go through the construction bridge (see screenshot) and on the other side, disable the electrical panel behind the wall on the left. The technicians on the bridge will come one by one to fix it (take them out as they come), and after them, our target will come to the device - eliminate him.

Two of our agents will pass by this area - shoot one and disable the other. That's it, all 5 targets eliminated, which means the mission is successful.

Author: Niysha

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