How to fix an error when connecting to the game lobby in Helldivers 2

25 feb 2024 at 14:26

Failed to Join Game Lobby is a common issue for players attempting to play in cooperative mode. Fortunately, there are several options for addressing it. In this guide, we'll explore all the ways to fix the error when connecting to a game lobby in Helldivers 2, and what settings need to be changed. 

Restart the Game and Internet Connection

These are universal troubleshooting steps that should always be tried first. The game may have encountered a system error that you can't resolve on your own. Restarting Helldivers 2 can help eliminate it. The same goes for your internet connection.

Adjust Game Settings

Go to the in-game settings and ensure that in the "Matchmaking Privacy" section, the option "Public" is selected. Disable the crossplay mode, which is currently not working in the game. You won't lose anything by doing this. Additionally, use the "Quick Play" option. Changing these settings has helped resolve the issue for some players.

Play with Friends

The error may occur when you try to connect to a lobby with random players. To test this, try starting a co-op session with friends. To invite friends, go to Settings and select the "Social" tab. Then, go to the "Friends" section and choose players from the dropdown list whom you want to invite to the game. Click on "Join Squad". Note that only players who are online will be displayed.

The issue with joining lobbies is often related to overloaded servers. Sometimes simply waiting helps. Servers become less crowded, the number of players decreases, and the error disappears on its own.

Author: victory

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