Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods in Genshin Impact: guide

18 dec 2023 at 10:56

Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods is a new artifact set that will be introduced in Genshin Impact with the 4.3 update alongside the Song of Days Past. The set's passive is geared towards Geo damage, making it evident that it is designed for the release of the new Geo polearm user, Navia.

Let's explore who else benefits from the new Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods set and whether it's worth farming for.  

Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods: Characteristics

Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods is a 4-5* artifact set with the following buffs:

  • 2-piece. Increases attack by 18%;
  • 4-piece (full set). After using an elemental skill, Geo damage bonus is increased by 20% for 10 seconds. If the character is protected by a shield created by the Crystal reaction, this effect increases by 150%. This additional increase disappears 1 second after losing the shield.

The 2-piece buff is universal and suits any DPS character or a character relying on attack strength, such as Charlotte or Shenhe. For Charlotte, attack strength affects the amount of healing, and for the best Cryo support, it enhances the Cryo damage of the entire party. On the other hand, the full set is quite specific and has a narrow focus. Similar to Navia's Verdict polearm, the Echo set is tailored for constant use of the elemental skill. The Geo polearm user perfectly meets the conditions of the set's passive.

Set Bonus

The full set is suitable for characters dealing consistent Geo damage. The effect applies only to this element and is not suitable for other characters. The choice is significantly limited, and we'll discuss it a bit later.

Combining with Other Artifacts

In a 2+2 Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods setup, you can combine it with any DPS or support set. For example:

  • Emblem of Severed Fate – a versatile support set for energy restoration and ultimate cooldown reduction;
  • Sets for elemental damage: Blizzard Strayer, Viridescent Venerer, Crimson Witch of Flames, etc. The idea is to enhance both attack strength and elemental damage;
  • Gladiator's Finale. 2+2 pieces provide a good attack boost;
  • Maiden Beloved. A 2+2 option for Charlotte to get more healing;
  • Noblesse Oblige, Marechaussee Hunter, Golden Troupe – versatile sets for damage enhancement. The last two are tailored for characters from Fontaine.

Actually, there are many more options. The 2-piece set buff is versatile, so if you have good artifacts, feel free to combine them with any necessary sets. However, remember that the attack strength buff does not make sense for all characters. Some characters realize their abilities through other stats, even if they are DPS characters. For example, Raiden, whose damage is based on energy restoration percentage, and attack strength, critical damage, and critical rate take a back seat.

Who Benefits from Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods

Based on all the characteristics, it's easy to guess who benefits from Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods:

  • Navia. This set is literally made for her. The Geo polearm user perfectly realizes the passive and needs attack strength as a DPS. Navia's mechanics are based on the Crystallize reaction. The more crystals Navia collects, the more damage she deals;
  • Arataki Itto. In this case, a Geo applicator will be required in the team to trigger the Crystallize reaction;
  • Ningguang. The situation is the same as with Itto – an applicator is needed. There are alternative artifact sets that will bring more benefits, but it's still a good option, especially with good stats.

Essentially, the choice of characters is limited. Using Nighttime Whispers implies that your DPS character must constantly be on the battlefield. Albedo and Zhongli often act as pocket DPS and do not fulfill the passive conditions. In theory, you can try Noelle – the maid looks great in the DPS role, especially at C6. However, when leveling Noelle's damage, the shield's durability will be compromised. Yun Jin and Gorou excel too well in the Geo support role to be developed into DPS characters. For them, stats like HP and defense are much more useful.

If you're a fan of the Geo element, Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods is an excellent way to diversify the gameplay of your favorite characters and try out Navia. Enjoy the game!

Author: victory

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