Guide to the Song of the Winds in Genshin Impact: How to Get Wind Gliders

29 mar 2021 at 9:24

During the Windblume Festival, Genshin Impact players had a lot of quests and interesting tasks. However, most users highly appreciated the "Windsong" quest line, as a result of which you can get your own musical instrument! 

In the "Windsong" event, players must complete a series of rhythm tasks (performing melodies) in exchange for festive coupons, primogems, sharpened heroes and mora. 

How to get the Windblume Lyre and festive coupons

At the time of writing, all four songs of the event should be unlocked. Each song contains three rewards based on the score achieved by the player at certain difficulty stages. 

There are three difficulty levels: normal, hard and professional. After the song is unlocked, players will only have access to the normal version of the difficulty and must complete it to unlock the rest.

In order to qualify for the reward, players must reach a certain score for each song from each difficulty level. 

Once you complete each of the songs, you will be able to buy the Windblume Lyre for 280 festive coupons. Unlike friendship coupons, which are obtained from the Marvelous Wonders missions, festive tickets can be obtained by completing "Thousand Winds", "Windsong" and "Straight to the Core". 

Once players have purchased their own Windblume Lyre, they will have free access to the instrument outside of the event.

 Remember, you can grab your Windblume Lyre no later than April 5th!
Author: Niysha

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