How to get the Solvent of Dreams in Genshin Impact: Where to find it and what it's for.

28 apr 2021 at 18:15

Dream Solvent - is a new resource that was added to Genshin Impact in the 1.5 update. 

In this guide, we'll tell you where to find and what is Dream Solvent for. Let's go!

What is Dream Solvent for

This material is very useful when leveling up any character. It is able to replace one material with another, which you just lack. How does it work? 

Go to your Alchemy Menu and open Transmutation, where all the necessary materials for character leveling are listed. For example, if you have a Dvalin's Foil, but you need a Dvalin's Claw instead, you can spend one Foil and one Dream Solvent to turn the foil into a claw.

Talent materials of higher levels can be very difficult to farm, so the ability to change such types of materials is extremely useful for players. 

How to get Dream Solvent

This item will drop from all world bosses at any difficulty level, so the solvent is available to all players regardless of their level. 

You will need one Dream Solvent for each item you want to replace.

Author: Niysha

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