4 best teams for Raiden Shogun in Genshin Impact

7 nov 2021 at 14:14

In this guide, we will tell you who and in which team is best to use Raiden Shogun for the fastest Abyss completion in Genshin Impact. Let's go!

Best Compositions for Raiden (Baal) in Genshin Impact

1) Raiden, Xiangling, Bennett, Xingqiu - National Team

The National Team with Raiden is one of the most popular teams for the current Spiral Abyss, which is also almost F2P. In addition to Raiden, the composition only includes four-star characters.

Both Xiangling and Xingqiu have high Elemental Skill energy costs, which makes Raiden the most suitable teammate for the team. Bennett, as usual, provides the necessary ATK boost. This team focuses on fast rotation and elemental reactions between characters.

2) Yoimiya, Raiden Shogun, Xingqiu, and Zhongli

An extremely effective team composition for Raiden consists of Yoimiya, Xingqiu, and Zhongli. With Pyro damage from Yoimiya and Hydro from Xingqiu, players can constantly create Overloaded and Vaporize reactions. Additionally, Raiden's energy regeneration compensates for Xingqiu's high Elemental Burst cost.

Zhongli fulfills his role by providing nearly indestructible shields and supporting damage (although some players use Bennett for additional damage).

3) Raiden, Sara C2, Kazuha, and Bennett

It is evident that this team focuses on utilizing Raiden's burst damage. Sara and Bennett are added for ATK buffs, while Kazuha reduces enemy resistance.

4) Raiden, Eula, Diona, and Zhongli

Eula and Raiden form a very powerful duo as Raiden can solve the issue of Eula's high ultimate cost. Eula's physical damage will be amplified by the Superconduct reaction triggered by Raiden's E skill and Diona's Cryo element (Diona also acts as a healer).

Although the mentioned teams with Raiden are the most popular ones, feel free to experiment and create new combinations. Good luck!

Author: Niysha

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