Genshin Impact: How to Solve the Fairy Puzzle on Dragon Spine

5 jan 2021 at 18:12

In this guide, we will tell you how to quickly solve the fairy puzzle in Dragonspine. Let's go!

Breaking the Ice in Genshin Impact

In order to solve the subsequent puzzles, you first need to break the ice.

To achieve this goal, you simply need to start pursuing any fairy.

Approximately halfway on the road, you will see another flying fairy.

When your first fairy reaches the halfway point, quickly move to another fairy. By doing so, you will easily break the ice.

Three Fairy Puzzle in Genshin Impact

After breaking the ice, a new mission will appear before you - "Gate of Opening." To complete this task, you must solve the puzzle with three fairies.

In fact, solving this puzzle is easier than it may seem at first glance. Follow this scenario: wait for the first fairy to reach the first altar, then quickly activate the second fairy and wait for it to reach the first altar. After that, immediately activate the third fairy.

During the activation of the altars, they emit a specific sound, so it is not necessary to track the movement of the fairies - just listen.

When the mechanism is activated, a golem will emerge from it, and you will have to defeat it. That's it, the puzzle is solved!

Author: Niysha

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