Where to find 15 Dreamshells on the Golden Apple Archipelago in Genshin Impact 2.8?

17 jul 2022 at 17:13

The first 14 shells are easy to find - we have described it all in this guide. However, some shells are not so easy to find, as some of them are hidden behind puzzles in dungeons. In this guide we will tell you how and where to find the 15th shell in the Kadzuh dungeon. Let's go!

How to solve the puzzle at the beginning of the Kadzuh dungeon and find the 15th shell

To get the shell, you first need to solve a series of small puzzles. 

So, arriving at the character's dung, we start solving the puzzle. First, approach the mechanism marked on the screenshot below, and turn it 4 times. Then start the device next to it (release fire, no need to change the color). The beam will break the necessary barrier, after which you can pick up the item and put it in the right place.

A stream of air will open for us - fly to the neighboring "island". There you will find another item that needs to be picked up and brought to the right place, after which another air passage will appear.

Fly to the new place, follow the air rings. Where it takes you, find the lever and press it, after which one of the platforms will move.

Another air passage will appear nearby - fly to the end until you get to the platform. Go down the stairs, in the open room on the table will lie the same shell!

You can watch the video walkthrough below:

Author: Niysha

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