Where and how to get dandelion seeds in Genshin Impact

1 jan 2021 at 23:26

In Genshin Impact there are various resources that are used for different purposes, including character leveling. Dandelion Seeds are used to ascend Genshin, so it is very important to have them in sufficient quantity. In addition, this resource is also used for crafting some items that are somehow related to the air element (for example, Wind Protection Potion, Air Damage Increase Oil, etc.). Let's see where and how you can get Dandelion Seeds in a decent amount in Genshin Impact. 

To find out where the dandelions grow - you need to use one very convenient online tool - interactive map:

1. Go to this link, the interactive map will open;

2. Select the "Markers" menu, scroll down to the Plants section and find the dandelions there (name - Dandelion Seed);

3. On the map, places where you can find dandelions appear, and they grow in quite a large number;

4. Go to the places marked on the interactive map and use the air magic next to the dandelions;

Note: This type of magic is used by characters such as: Ganyu, Xinyan, Xiao, Venti. 

5. That's it, you can collect the seeds in the amount you need!

Author: Swordself14

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