Top 5 Best Games Similar to Genshin Impact

2 jul 2021 at 22:28

Genshin Impact is one of the most popular gacha games of the current year.

In this article, we have gathered the top 5 best alternatives to Genshin Impact. Let's get started!

Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

This game is rightfully considered one of the best in its genre. The main hero, Link, appears in a vast open world that you'll have to explore. Along the way, you'll encounter numerous dangers, puzzles, warriors, and more. 

The game pays great attention to visual design, just like Genshin. Both games are filled with a huge number of visual effects, weapon experiments, and a variety of character combinations. It's worth noting that the creators of Genshin took this game as their inspiration. 

Immortals Fenyx Rising

This game was presented in 2020 and turned out to be vibrant and well-crafted. In Immortals Fenyx Rising, you can expect a huge number of colorful battles that will immerse you in the world of ancient Greece. 

As for the storyline, you'll have to complete numerous quests and puzzles, as well as engage in battles with mythological characters. 

Honkai Impact 3rd

Honkai Impact 3rd is a sci-fi game created by the developers of Genshin.

The main heroes are designed to overcome the forces of chaos. The characters are thoughtfully equipped, and the world is well-developed and beautifully visualized.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

The second part of an excellent game that has gained popularity among many players worldwide. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 offers a huge number of quests that won't let you relax. You'll visit many places throughout the game world. 

In this installment, the developers have added a tremendous number of new characters.


Excellent game with science-fiction elements in a scientific manner, loved by many fans of this genre. It was developed since 2012 but was released only in 2018. 

The storyline of the game is similar to Genshin Impact, which attracts numerous gamers worldwide. The entire plot revolves around the character Shizuka Sakai, a heroine who saves her brother from future times. 

Author: Niysha

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