Genshin Impact 2.0 (1.7): All Enemies in Inazume

28 jun 2021 at 18:18

We have already collected a lot of information about the new region in Genshin Impact - Inazuma. You can read about everything at once in this article.

Our Telegram channel with fresh Genshin leaks

Now we will talk exclusively about all the enemies, monsters and enemies that will be available with the release of Inazuma. Let's go!

All enemies of Inazuma

Ruins Guardians of Inazuma: description

The guardians of the new region will differ in a special level and danger ... Below we have attached a description of all known monsters of this category:

1. Ruins Destroyer 

2. Ruins Defender

3. Ruins Scout

4. Ruins Cruiser

5. Eternal Mechanical Array

All Samurais of Inazuma

1. Nobushi: Kiku-Ban

2.Nobushi: Hizuke-Ban

3. Nobushi: Jinto-Ban

4. Kairagi: Dancing Thunder

5. Kairagi: Flaming Power

Pyro Hypostasis and Mirror Maiden Fatui in Inazuma

Description of Pyro Hypostasis:

Description of the Mirror Maiden:

Author: Niysha

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