Genshin Impact: All New Characters of 2021 That Will Definitely Appear in the Game

16 mar 2021 at 9:51

Developers increasingly hint that a huge number of new characters will soon appear in the game. In this guide, we will tell you about all the new heroes in Genshin Impact and everything known about them. Let's get started!

Currently, only the names of the heroes and brief descriptions of their abilities are known, as the developers do not share much information about the new characters.

All New Genshin Impact Heroes


A new Cryo character equipped with a spear. She hails from Mondstadt and is a nun. Rosaria is quite rare, with a rank of A and three out of five stars. Currently, you can familiarize yourself with almost all of the character's skills and abilities. The hero will fully appear on March 17th with the new 1.4 update.

Materials needed for Rosaria


This character is not so new, as it could already be explored in the game's beta version. Ayaka is unique, wielding a sword and belonging to the Cryo element. Her fighting style is similar to Kaeya's, and her dynamics are similar to Mona's, but with one difference – she moves in a snowy form.


Currently, the character is involved as an NPC in all tests and the game. In ordinary life, the hero runs a pharmacy, and you encountered him in the first volume of the storyline. The character is special because he is the first to possess the Dendro element.

The hero will have a companion, a white snake, similar to Fischl's raven Oz. The developers have equipped Beidou with a catalyst weapon. It's hard to say how in-demand he will be at the time of release.


This hero has never been in the game, but the creators announced that such a character would be available at the time of the release of Genshin Impact.

Since the character does not possess the Eye or Heart of a God, gamers have concluded that he is associated with Celestia or the Abyss, which allows him to control the element without "instruments."


Another alchemist from the Sumeru Academy and a friend of Lisa. All that is currently known about him is the weapon he wields, a spear. It can also be said that he worships the Dendro Archon, and he comes from there. It is possible to assume that the character will have some "scientific" skills.


The hero is the sixth Harbinger of the Fatui and was announced at the "Glimmering Stars" event. Based on the symbol on his chest, it can be confidently concluded that he belongs to the Electro element. Fans also believe that he comes from Inazuma, which plays an important role in regional life.


Also known as the "Beautiful Lady," she is the eighth of all the Harbingers of the Fatui. You may have noticed her during the rescue of Dvalin. It is currently unknown when exactly she will be added to the game, but that moment will come.

Game Developers' Plans for Characters

At the game's announcement, a huge number of locations and regions were presented. This indicates that as patches are added to the game, new characters will be introduced. Below, we will tell you about several heroes who will appear in the game sooner or later.


She was present in the game teaser, so her appearance can be expected. In the screenshot, you can see her approximate appearance: cat ears and tail. 


Another hero we will eventually play as. He was also announced in the game teaser along with Lynn. It can be said that they are likely connected to each other and possess a similar element. 


Most likely, she will have the Pyro element, as she hails from Natlan. In the teaser, you may have noticed that she will be a martial arts master. 


One of the Fatui Harbingers from Snezhnaya. He was also announced in the teaser and has the role of recruiting Tartaglia. Visually, it's impossible to determine his element and skills, but one thing can be said - we won't see him before the release of the snowy region. 

Possible Completely New Heroes in the World of Genshin

There is already a lot of information on the internet that indicates that many more characters will appear in the game. All the information is taken from the CBT. 


Practically the main character of the manga, as it contains the powers of an Archon that the character cannot control. Considering the fact that Diluc and many others already exist in the game, it is quite likely that Kollei will also exist. He is destined to play a role as one of the most important characters in Sumeru. 


The Master of the Knights of Favonius in Mondstadt, who is constantly mentioned by other characters throughout the game. Nothing is known about him, but the heroes acknowledge him as the most powerful in this region. Even Tartaglia respects Varka. 

Yao Yao

She is in voluntary subordination to Ganyu and is likely to possess the Dendro element. The hero is often mentioned in conversations with other characters. 

Yun Jin

A lover of dance from Liyue. There was no announcement for this hero, but other characters have mentioned her multiple times. 


He is a big villain who conducts experiments on ordinary people, and his actions are unpredictable. Dottere is hostile towards those who possess elemental powers.

During the battle between Diluc and Dottere, we saw that the latter doesn't possess any elements, but he has enough tricks that make him equally dangerous. 

Author: Niysha

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