Should you pull for Zhongli in Genshin Impact or not?

27 sep 2023 at 9:18

Zhongli in Genshin Impact is associated with a divine aura not only by title and the first impression, but also by the practicality of having him in your squad. Today, we will assess whether the reputation of this Archon has been tarnished by his extended presence in the game (or if it has been enhanced). Waifu gamers, step aside; we won't touch your beloved. 

Is it Worth Getting Zhongli?

Is Zhongli worth your resources? Absolutely and unequivocally, "yes." The community has revered him for good reason. Let's start with the fact that Zhongli provides the most practical shield. Not only that, it's one of the sturdiest shields in existence (and likely the future, considering the game design methodology of the developers). The passive talent, combined with the full "Archaic Petra" set, works similarly to Kazuha and his Anemo set combined. While the "Stele" resonance isn't as thrilling, there's another form of control – his "Planet Befall" ultimate. Just like the "Stele," it doesn't work on bosses, but it's well-balanced. The versatility factor doesn't disappoint either; it's useful in almost any first team composition. Need a fourth character for your party? Sure thing! Require insurance for Hu Tao or Eula? Done! Suddenly need a character to fill the gap and don't know who to pick? Your choice! 

From all angles, he's nearly perfect. To avoid making this sound like an outright advertisement for Mr. Perfection, I'll mention the negative aspects (they vary significantly and aren't heavily interrelated, so I'll list them separately): 

  1. Incompatibility of a sturdy shield and high damage output. YouTube can have videos like "My C6 Zhongli with P5 Hu Tao and his supremacy over all of Teyvat." Don't believe the bragger. It's much cheaper to go with a support build than trying to squeeze a million damage out of each comet strike. 
  2. Destruction of Geo constructs. The pulsation of Geo constructs shatters Frozen status, making it a bit challenging to use Zhongli in such team compositions. Challenging but not impossible. By placing the pillar "backwards" to the mobs, the character gains some distance, preventing them from getting caught in its effect. 

In conclusion, it's rather unusual – not a positive, not a negative, and not a definitive verdict. Dodges. Imagine in your mind your ability to dodge incoming damage. Is it acceptable? How many times has unpassed Abyss floors been lit ablaze due to this? Now, compare it with Zhongli's skill set. There you have it. A special shout-out to mobile gamers. Good luck!

Author: Swordself14

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