Official Plan for Cyberpunk 2077 Refinement: New Details of Upcoming Updates Revealed

14 jan 2021 at 10:30

Recently, Night City has been plagued by errors, and there's no way to escape without making corrections. Free updates for Cyberpunk 2077 are what concerns gamers worldwide. Not long ago, CD Projekt Red published news regarding game improvements.

Frankly speaking, Cyberpunk 2077 turned out to be quite rough in all aspects. The new platforms somewhat accepted the game, unlike the outdated models. The developers realized their mistake and started making corrections, although not immediately. At first, they denied everything, but when there was too much information about the bugs, they immediately started working on fixes.

Cyberpunk's Improvement Timeline

To calm gamers down, the co-founder of the company recorded a video message to passionate users. In the video, he confidently states that the company aimed to create a game that would remain a legacy for a long time.

He is very pleased with how the game turned out on PC and sincerely apologizes for the different situation on consoles. He did not admit that the problem exists on all consoles, but he said that the company is striving to eliminate all bugs in the near future.

Following the message, the developers published a plan that the company's programmers will follow and work on. In early 2021, we can expect two major updates for Cyberpunk. Additionally, the company guarantees continuous work on minor bugs throughout the year.

The CEO also shared DLC news with gamers. The first half of 2021 promises a free patch for the game, but the exact date is still unknown.

The second half of the year promises a free upgrade for new consoles.

Conclusion: The company is committed to fixing all bugs, which is extremely pleasing. However, there's one point: the co-founder of the company constantly expresses pride in the PC version of the project, but it's not smooth sailing there either. Nevertheless, the developers are real talents who dared to reach beyond their capabilities, even if it has caused discontent.

Author: Niysha

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