Cyberpunk 2077: How to Deactivate All Delamain Taxis in the "Reintegration" Quest

6 jan 2021 at 22:34

In this guide, we will tell you about completing an entire quest chain of Delamain, which continues in a logical sequence after activating each task. 

You will also learn how to complete all the quests from Delamain's "Reintegration" branch in Cyberpunk 2077 and how to neutralize all the taxis. Let's go!


During the quest "Gimme Danger," V will go after the car that Jackie lent for a while. The car is located in a garage right below V's apartment.

You will get behind the wheel, and before you know it, the car will be hit by some artificial intelligence (no one is driving). Almost instantly, you will receive a call from someone named Delamain on your phone. The message will contain apologies for such an unpleasant incident. In the end, you will be appointed a meeting to receive compensation.

Head to Delamain's office (Heywood, Vista Del Rey district). At the entrance, you will see a sign with the company's name and a group of running employees around the building. Go inside, talk to the bot, and receive your reward. Then agree to have a face-to-face conversation and follow the cute drone. Along the way, you will see Batman's car, manipulator arms, and much more. That's where you will receive the desired quest.

Once you reach the main system room, Delamain will tell you that they have detected a certain virus in their system. It caused a loss of communication with some taxis. He will give you a key that you must use to remotely hack and deactivate the missing taxis. Throughout the Reintegration branch, you need to locate a total of 7 cars. 

To save time, use fast travel as the cars are scattered all over Night City.


Delamain Taxis in Wellsprings

So, the first car is located in Wellsprings. You must help the taxi, as it wants to die and jump off a ledge... But don't worry, V will be able to calm it down, and immediately after that, you will receive a call from Delamain about the successful car hack.

The second car in Wellsprings will give you a bit more trouble. It's angry at the whole world and has decided to ram anyone passing by. First, you need to neutralize it: climb up to a high ledge and shoot at the taxi several times, preferably with a machine gun.

Delamain Taxis in North Oak

To neutralize the taxi in North Oak, you need to be extremely restrained with it. This car is afraid of risks and speed, so get inside and drive the car back to the base as slowly as possible.

Delamain Taxis in the Badlands

The fourth car is located at the junkyard. Deactivating this taxi is quite simple - get inside and hack it, ignoring the uneasy atmosphere inside the cabin.

Delamain Taxis in Northside

Here it's also quite simple: chase the car until it collides with an obstacle.

Delamain Taxis in Coastview

Many players have noted that the taxi in Coastview is a reference to GLaDOS, the computer from the game Portal. The car will lead you into a trap, where you'll have to fight against weak bandits. And that's it - GLaDOS is on your side.

Delamain Taxis in Rancho Coronado

Clarissa is afraid of flamingos, so in order to collaborate with her, you'll have to kill all the flamingos on the road.

After everything is done, return to Delamain and receive your well-deserved reward. And with that, you have completed the "Reintegration" quest from Delamain!



Author: Niysha

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