Where to find the legendary revolver Hammer of Comrades in Cyberpunk 2077.

24 dec 2020 at 12:57

Револьвер Молот Товарища относится к классу пистолетов и имеет высокую скорострельность. Он имеет максимальную дальность поражения и прекрасную точность. Он также имеет высокую скорострельность и может быть модифицирован с помощью дополнительных аксессуаров. Он имеет высокую скорострельность и может быть модифицирован с помощью дополнительных аксессуаров. Он имеет высокую скорострельность и может быть модифицирован с помощью дополнительных аксессуаров.

In this guide we will tell in detail how to get the most powerful revolver  Molot Tovarish for free in Cyberpunk 2077. At the end we will also note what features and characteristics this weapon has. Let's go!

How to get Molot Tovarish

So, our goal is the Arroyo location, more specifically the local alley. To get there faster, use the nearest fast travel point - the Red Dirt Bar. From here we need to walk down the map to the mailbox, where the entrance to the necessary courtyard will be located.

Go straight until you see the mailbox, after which our alley will be located. 

Go straight until you see the mailbox, after which our alley will be located. 

Clear the territory from enemies. Loot the enemies. On one of them you will find our coveted revolver Molot Tovarish. By the way, it will be marked on the map with a pink cross. 

Done, the legendary Molot Tovarish revolver is now yours!

Characteristics of the Molot Tovarish revolver

The Molot Tovarish revolver belongs to the class of pistols and has a high rate of fire. It has a maximum range of destruction and excellent accuracy. It also has a high rate of fire and can be modified with additional accessories. It has a high rate of fire and can be modified with additional accessories. It has a high rate of fire and can be modified with additional accessories.

Author: Niysha

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