Disassembly of All Weapons in Cyberpunk 2077

1 dec 2020 at 20:05

Every resident of Night City can legally purchase weapons in supermarkets or 24-hour stores. Specialized stores or the black market offer more specialized firearms. Weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 are working tools for a mercenary, without which the main character cannot do.

Types of Weapons in Cyberpunk 2077:

  • blades;
  • handguns;
  • melee machine guns;
  • rifles;
  • shotguns;
  • sniper rifles;
  • assault rifles;
  • throwing projectiles.

The classification of modern weapons in the game: power, technological, and smart.

Weapons can have attachments such as optical sights and suppressors, as well as modifications: recoil stabilization and increased accuracy. It has its own quality standard: common, uncommon, rare, and legendary.



Classic firearms with regular calibers/bullets are classified as "power weapons" or "power guns." They are reliable and very popular among all social classes. Such weapons usually have a high rate of fire and strong recoil. Main feature: the ability to ricochet bullets off surfaces. Thus, a target behind cover or around a corner can be successfully hit. Players who want to feel like Rambo will definitely enjoy it!


"Tech weapons" or "tech guns" in street slang use railgun technology to shoot at very high speeds. These pistols are equipped with caseless ammunition, which can penetrate body armor and even vehicle armor. Tech weapons have a lower rate of fire but excel in long-range and penetration capabilities. The special feature of tech guns is the ability to shoot through cover, walls, and armor.


The latest innovation in weapon technology is "smart weapons" or "smart guns." These pistols have guided ammunition with gyrojet technology that can adjust their trajectory. Smart guns connect to cyberware and use a sound or laser targeting system to scan their target. They have high accuracy but noticeably lower damage.



Despite combat knives being present in the game, katanas are considered the coolest. They are available in all types, colors, and variations. Katanas reach a new level with neurotoxin coating, nanobots, or EMP dischargers.

Another deadly blade is mantis blades. These are cybernetic arm blades that unfold from the hands. Read more about "mantis blade" implants here.

If you're looking for something with a wider range, throwing knives will be suitable. They are sharp and completely silent.


Revolvers are undoubtedly the most common weapon in Night City. They range from cheap homemade ones to fully automatic pistols with additional attachments and modifications. Such a pistol is small and lightweight, making it suitable for almost any situation and task. 


If you are a fan of melee combat, then these goodies are perfect for you. While punks use steel pipes, wrenches, screwdrivers, or hammers, there is more specialized melee weapons that can handle even heavy armor. There are various implants for melee combat, such as reinforced finger bones, gorilla arms, or mantis blades.

The biggest advantage of melee weapons is the absence of ammunition. Bullets run out, but a katana can keep cutting until it breaks.


An assault rifle is only suitable if your target is not wearing massive and heavy armor. Rifles have good range and excellent penetration. However, rifles are mostly devoid of full-automatic mode.

Machine guns are very heavy and can fire rifle rounds at a high rate. The big downside is their weight and size. There is the option to change attachments and use specialized ammunition such as acid rounds or incendiary rounds.

The choice is vast, depending on your goals and financial capabilities.


Another excellent weapon for close combat. Perhaps the most interesting option for a shotgun is the technical shotgun, which is capable of piercing various cover. A shotgun with guided ammunition is also a good option for those who don't want to bother with aiming. Shotguns are the best weapon for close combat, excluding hand implants. If you want to quickly deal with enemies, then definitely get this baby.


The safest way to avoid trouble is to keep your distance. Sniper rifles in Cyberpunk 2077 can have auto-targeting or an integrated railgun electromagnetic charge system. Naturally, sniper rifles are best used in wide and open spaces. With such a weapon, you will definitely catch the enemy off guard! A sniper rifle is a very silent and powerful weapon, but it definitely lacks speed.


Throwing weapons provide tactical enhancement in combat. A grenade in the right place can disable multiple targets at once. Throwing knives can silently eliminate a target or distract attention. So, this type of weapon is definitely not to be underestimated. A grenade in the right hands is your enemy's worst fear.


Weapons often have a modular design and based on their core, they can have several options for attachments and modifications. Attachments and mods allow you to fine-tune the weapon for a specific task or playstyle. Who doesn't need a sniper rifle with the best scope and hyper-accuracy?

Attachments are the hardware parts of the weapon, such as scopes, suppressors, barrels, grips, and more. Weapon modifications are software settings that can change the behavior of the weapon or enhance certain characteristics such as rate of fire or accuracy.

Each weapon can have multiple modifications. But there are exceptions that don't have any.


The quality of the weapon can greatly depend on the attachments and modifications. The better the quality of the weapon, the more power it possesses. Legendary weapons are special because they have unique abilities that you won't find anywhere else. However, legendary weapons usually have an owner. Whether to take it or not is up to you.

Author: Niysha

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