Selling water in Cities: Skylines 2

9 nov 2023 at 12:16

One of the ways to earn money in the new city-building simulator Cities: Skylines 2 is by selling water. Unlike oil, vegetables, and other resources, it is not automatically sold with specific settings.

To export water, you need to set up a water supply connection in a specific way. From this guide, you will learn how you can make money by selling water and whether it's profitable.

Connecting Water Supply

First, you need to start obtaining and storing water. In addition to providing the city with the necessary liquid, you will also be able to sell water. Start by building the following structures:

  • Water Pumping Station;
  • Water Tower;
  • Water Intake Pumping Station.

You can lay water pipes through any roads except highways. To supply the city with water, construct a water pipeline from the water source to the road.

To see the water collection percentage, you can open the water supply section by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner.

How to Export Water

To sell water without risks, the water production must exceed the city's consumption. In the "Water and Sewage" section, there is a special point that shows the necessary information. To sell water, the water supply must be laid to the city's border. But for this, you will need to unlock the cells through which the water pipeline will pass to the border. 

After connecting, an icon will appear. Click on it to establish trade.

Is Selling Water Profitable

At the early stages of city construction and development, exporting water is not a profitable endeavor. It requires significant resources for building the necessary structures, laying the water pipeline, and purchasing cells.

Author: Hades

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