How to find and tame Owlbear Cub in Baldur's Gate 3

27 aug 2023 at 10:30

Owlbear Cub – a pet you can tame and settle in your camp. This adorable creature needs your help, and this guide will show you how to do it and bring the owlbear cub to your side.

How to Find the Owlbear Cub

Throughout the game's storyline, you'll encounter the owlbear cub a few times. The first encounter is in the "Owlbear Nest" location.

Here, you'll have two options: either kill the big owlbear – the cub's mother – or avoid doing so by drinking an animal communication potion. Regardless of your choice, you'll be able to tame the cub later. During the battle, try not to harm it.

How to Invite the Owlbear Cub to Your Camp

During the second encounter, you'll be able to invite the cub to your camp. This happens at the Goblin Camp. The cub will be under the watch of Krolla and will roam around the camp. The only way to take the pet with you is to gain its trust and offer to go together to a safer and more pleasant place. The owlbear cub will like this idea, but it will share its fear of the goblins. Your task is to convince Krolla, which won't be easy.

There are two ways to take the cub: peacefully or through combat. It depends on your luck with the dice. Initially, Krolla will respond aggressively to your request, so proceed with:

  • A persuasion or intimidation check;
  • A class-based check;
  • An illithid abilities check.

If you successfully pass the check, Krolla will release the cub peacefully. Otherwise, a battle will ensue.

How to Tame the Owlbear Cub

After settling the owlbear cub in your camp, you can start taming it. However, wait until the "Long Rest" is over – the time for the cub to get accustomed to the new place. Then, one by one, fulfill its requests – feed and heal it. As a token of its strong friendship and affection, the feathered creature will bring you a dead bird.

Author: victory

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